Wir bestreben nicht unzählige Testberichte über unsere Produkte zu bekommen… aber, manchmal, treffen wir Journalisten die eine genuine Interesse haben. Dann entstehen Geschichten.
%28-%11-%2016, %RCommunicationAfter a long time spent in refreshing and exploiting several chances that have been put 😉 on our path, now we will refresh the look of our web page and complete lots of information missing. We will have new pictures and several new sections in the web pages. It will be an ongoing project and we plan to have it fulfilled about the Munich High End 2017…
We are and will be committed to deliver to You the best value for money and a music richness which is the only thing we appreciate trough and trough.
We are and will be committed to deliver to You the best value for money and a music richness which is the only thing we appreciate trough and trough.