Wir bestreben nicht unzählige Testberichte über unsere Produkte zu bekommen… aber, manchmal, treffen wir Journalisten die eine genuine Interesse haben. Dann entstehen Geschichten.
Münich High End 2015
%14-%05-%2015, %RGermany, HiFi Show, InternationalWhat a show, what a huge work, what a fantastic crow of people.
We plaid great music, we had lot of discussions, and other big news will appear day by day on these pages.
Already before the show we have been able to make a step further in our market presence: it will be defined in the next months. And during the show we consolidated the strength of our name
Blumenhofer Acoustics, our partner, made an extensive coverage of the show in their web pages:
Here You can read the preview on the Munich High End,
Here You can read what we did during the dry run at Blumenhfer. The dry run has been really important and allowed us to reduce the setup time during the show.
Here You can see our picture gallery. Here the picture gallery of Walter Kircher.
…and here our story about the setup and the show itself.
Lot of information is mutated with Blumenhofer Acoustics: we are deeply working together :)
For now, a big thank You to the whole team!
From the left: Claudio Trevisanello (Cammino), Andrea Vitali, Hideaki Nishikawa (TechDas),
Annette Heiss (Einstein Audio), Volker Bohlmeier (Einstein Audio), Thomas Blumenhofer