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Reference loudspeaker bridge - SPJ 6.01 Ref.
%21-%12-%2022, %RProductWe have been asked several time to make a more performing and a longer bridge for the loudspeakers. But our target was so high, that we never matched our expectations. In the end we suggested the customers to get a short loudspeaker cable... but that was not, what we thought to be the right solution.
We started and made several attempts to reach where we wanted to get. It was not easy to find the right solution. But the idea came and we made the new loudspeaker bridge.
The right solution was to forget everything we knew about bridges and try to rethink it from scratch. It had to match our shielding philosophy and to permit the flexibility needed for a bridge.
And we made a step forward, a completely new bridge that even permits the customer to adapt the performance of the bridge adapting the shielding. This permits to use it in any direction. For sure You have seen the little bananas along the bridge.
These permit to connect the shield in 4 different ways:
- on the minus side
- on the plus side
- on both sides
- on neither side