Non siamo in cerca di resoconti su riviste ed online. Ma ogni tanto incontriamo qualche giornalista genuinamente interessato. Allora nascono alcune storie
Visit at HiFi Stars - Mr. Aschenbrunner
%10-%02-%2017, %RPressWe paid a visit to Mr. Aschenbrunner at the Silvia Oelkers Verlag to talk about something that always arises lots of discussions: cables and power. Some people do not believe that mains power and power cables can drastically change the quality of an HiFi system. Alexander Aschenbrunner is firmly convinced that high quality links bring huge differences in the quality of the reproduction.
As usual we started making a complete phase check of the system (I will not tell You how it was before 😜) and then ended up with a complete Cammino cabling on the whole chain.
After connecting the Power Harmonizer and all the other cables, the whole system started to perform more and more dynamic and powerful. At the end of the day, without suffering of any tiredness we started playing the Dark Side of the Moon at really high SPL levels. Wow, that was amazing!! We would have continued, but slowly time for dinner came.
Mr. Aschenbrunner was pleased and surprised, even though it was just a short session he appreciated it (as, of course, we did).
He confessed me that he spent a quite part of the day after to reach the same level we had at the end of the listening session using his own gear. But he did not tell me whether he reached the result or not.
Soon there will be some more info about Cammino in those pages.