Wir bestreben nicht unzählige Testberichte über unsere Produkte zu bekommen… aber, manchmal, treffen wir Journalisten die eine genuine Interesse haben. Dann entstehen Geschichten.
Munich High End 2014
%15-%05-%2014, %RGermany, HiFi Show, International
What an event. Tons of people, lot of contacts, huge interest.
The show was really great, the best ever. Now it is time to collect the results... and some have already come during the show!
The first result? We are now supplier for tonearm cable for the MKII Pluto tonearm!! A great success!!!
This is a panorama of the main room where our products played protagonist, here is the gallery.
Blumenhofer-Allnic Room
The setup was impressive:
- Blumenhofer's concept loudspeaker, an horn loaded open baffle with bass flow stream (soon more info in a dedicated web page)Power Amplification from Allnic Audio an astonishing brand from Corea- Phono Preamplifier H-5000DHT- Line Preamplifier L-5000DHT- Power Amplifier A-10.000DHTDigital Source from Metronome Technologies specialized in CD players, transports and DACs from France- DA Converter C-8- CD Transport CalypsoAnalog source from Pluto Audio, a highly exclusive turntable manufacturer from Holland, on the market since about 40 years- 10A Reference Special with new Motor design, 9A Special MKII tonearm with a special designed Cammino HP tonearm cable
We delivered the complete power handling chain:
- H3.1 Power Harmonizer
- Several power cables
- Turntable tonearm cable
- and some more, which we are not allowed to mention ;-)
Octave Room
In this room have been used our Reference loudspeaker and signal cables
STS Space
There You have had the chance to enjoy our complete cabling with an extraordinary beautiful white power harmonizer
Dr. Feickert Space
Dr. Chris used one of our phono cables to support his playback during the show... a small but meaningful success
A Cappella Room at the HiFi Deluxe
In this room our power Harmonizer contributed essentially to the sound quality