
This was one of the most important task to be completed before the Munich High End of 2016. We now have new brochures and You can even download them from our web pages. Have a look here. In the next few weeks we will introduce in this download area even the older brochures available.

New Packaging for some of our products

It took longer than expected and far longer than deserved. But finally they are ready. We received them yesterday from the producer. Tomorrow they will be used officially for the first time!!

Some more news about our participation to the Munich High End 2016

Since 2011 we are participating to the Munich High End. Each year in a different configuration. In 2016 we will be there as well!!
If You are curious about our participation, and where to find us, come to the Room F224 in Munich and see You there.
Should You wish to know something more, You can browse the Munich High End Preview page on the Blumenhofer Acoustics Web site.

On the way

Since longer time there were no news from us. We were hardly working on the look and the packaging of the products.
Now we can concentrate again on the communication. Soon You will enjoy the new brochures and the new web pages: we want to be ready for the Munich High End!